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My favourite thing is having the chance to interview indie artists. Not only are they some of the nicest and most genuine people, it also means I'm introduced to some amazing music from some incredibly underrated musicians. Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Tino Venti, AKA Tomorrow's Tessellations, an indie project based in Southern California. His latest album "Stock Footage of Doves" has only recently been released and is most definitely worth the listen. We had the chance to discuss everything from making it in the music industry to the meaning behind the name "Tomorrow's Tessellations".

You can read the full interview right here:

Q. First off, could you tell me a bit about yourself?

"Well, Tomorrow’s Tessellations is a solo project, but much like Nine Inch Nails or Take Impala, I release my music under a different name. Not a huge fan of eponymous solo work. I wanna create an illusion, you know?"

Q. Could you describe your sound?

"Cosmic, postmodern dad rock. Maybe with Randy Newman nuances from time to time. Who knows?"

Q. What's the music scene like in LA where you are based and do you think it reflects your vibe?

"Los Angeles’ music scene pretty much has something for everyone, but I never particularly felt like I belonged here."

Q. What’s the meaning behind your name?

"This may be the number one question I get, haha. Long of the short of it is: We live our lives in patterns. Working patterns, sleeping patterns, eating patterns. There’s no real sense of spontaneity there. A tessellation is a pattern, so this project is my way of breaking the patterns of today and creating new ones for tomorrow, and so Tomorrow’s Tessellations was born!"

Q. Are you finding it challenging to create a name for yourself in the music industry?

"It’s a constant grind for sure, but the second you think that you’re on top and everything is good, you’re gonna fall HARD. I’ve always found it strange that people don’t see music as a “real job.” I have two other jobs and I still find myself working harder on the music career aspect than I do anywhere else."

Q. Who are your biggest influences?

"Shit, it changes from record to record. I’m a music nerd but so much of the music I like doesn’t translate into influencing TT. I’d say Randy Newman, The Strokes, Jonathan Richman, and Brian Wilson."

Q. What’s the coolest show that you have played?

"Tough one. I’d have to say the release show for “Cosmic Cowboy Cabaret.” Sold out this massive room in my hometown. It was magical. There were projections wall to wall, the energy was high, the sound was great. It was one of those great shows that sticks with you forever."

Q. And where is somewhere that you have always dreamed of performing live?

"South America & Australia. They know how to get weird and wild as shit over there. I love any place where the crowd shouts instrumental melodies back at you."

Q. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?

"People keep telling me I should work with Dallon Weekes, the guys in Wallows, or Kirin J Callinan. But I would REALLY love to make something with Natalie Mering aka Weyes Blood. Her lyrics and melodies melt my heart and soul."

Q. Despite COVID-19, do you have any exciting plans for the future?

"With the state of the world right now, who fucking knows? I recently had a tour that I spent a year and a half planning completely on my own swept out from under me with all of the COVID shutdowns, so I’m still recovering budget-wise from that. I also just dropped an album on the 24th, so I’m a little creatively spent for the time being. "

Q. And finally, where can people listen to your music?

"Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, wherever you get music from"

Tomorrow's Tessellation's latest album titles "Stock Footage of Doves" is out now, go and check it out! And follow @tomorrowstessellations on Instagram for more updates.

Big thanks to @tomorrowstesselations for taking part in this interview

Questions and article by @poppymaeg


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