An observational article by Reilly White (@_reillywhite)
Love, what a crazy concept. Caring about someone so much that we
would give everything we could, to see them happy. Terrifying, but as
we have always heard, so so beautiful. I am going to be writing about how love has changed with us, with society.
And how that affects us not just as a generation, but as individuals.
Love songs, love poems, love magic, love charms, operas, ballets, plays,
stories, sculptures, paintings, holidays, temples, palaces: all the ways
that we have expressed how much we love, but has the perception of
not just love, but more so young love, changed everything? I think I
speak for many, when I say that we all want a love in which makes us
feel like life, if even for a split second, is perfect. But does that exist
The pressure we feel in society as young people, is not a small amount.
Do we take the advice our parents swear by? Or do we take our own
paths? Listen to what the media wants us to do? And that is a question
that none of us know the answer to. with words like “simp” especially
in guys, I think a lot of us lack the emotional availability that it requires
to truly “love”.
But let me ask you an age-old question, what is love anyway?
Is it the feeling of affection toward another person, is love a mutual
respect, common ground? Or is love a completely different concept
entirely? Is love a feeling toward someone else, in which you feel like
even if doing something completely average, there’s not a place in the
world you would rather be, is love that moment where you finally
understand what it means to truly understand why your grandparents
got married so young, because our wide, wide world, with all of its
deep oceans, its high mountains, its bright stars that are said to put the
city lights to shame… mean nothing, without that one person. Is that what love is? Because if it is, then I think that sounds pretty damn beautiful.
And although the constant ringing in our ears, of the mass media makes
us feel like our personal lives do not mean much in a world so vast,
ultimately, I think when we feel it, love… We will know, I believe we
meet thousands of soulmates in our lives, we were all meant to meet.
That woman on your train to London that told you that you had
beautiful eyes, the old best friend, that one person you never thought
you would like but when forced to talk, you realized that no one had
ever really understood you until that very moment. The singer that got
you through the hardest moments of your life, the writer of the
quotation that you have set as your wallpaper, all of these small
moments make up the most important ones we will ever experience in
this unrepeatable life of ours.
But our greatest love, you ask? The one who has been here the whole
time, when you failed that test and you thought your life was over, the
person that was there when your team won and you got to see the look
on your fathers face when you scored… the person that has been here
then, now and for the rest of your often long, but ultimately very short
life… you. Our greatest love is ourselves.
And as far as I’m concerned, I wouldn’t worry too much, there’s a plan
for you much bigger than us, much bigger than your small town, and
yeah, that’s terrifying… but like love, it might just be the most beautiful
thing that will ever happen to you.
Article by Reilly White (@_reillywhite)
Photos by Selina Farzaei (@wackography)